Apple Dumplings 2023

Apple Dumplings 2023

By: Caroline Paris : September 11 2023 : (0) Comments

Apple Dumpling season is upon us! The St. Jacob’s Apple Dumpling Gang will be working their magic turning apples, flour and butter into sweet, delicious apple dumplings. Beginning October 8th, the dumplings will be for sale on Tuesdays & Wednesdays from 1-6pm and on Sundays from 11:30a-12:30p after Sunday service. 

Please use the upper parking lot and enter at the southwest door of Garnes Hall. We apologize that we cannot accommodate pre-orders or credit cards.

Dumplings will be sold until they run out, so don’t wait until the last minute to stock up for the season!! Proceeds from the sale will benefit a few local charaties so indulge your sweet tooth and support the local non-profit organizations!

Questions? Contact the church office at 330-877-2676

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