Affirmation of Baptism (Confirmation) Class

All are welcome to attend Affirmation of Baptism!

We are inviting folks of all ages to join Affirmation of Baptism (formerly known as Confirmation) class this fall!  This will be a chance to take a deeper dive into questions of faith and our church.  We will study the Bible and how it came to be written as well as how the Bible stories we learned in Sunday school fit together! We will talk about our faith, prayer and the history of the church.  We will learn about the promises that God and our family made on our behalf at our baptism and then have a chance to affirm our baptism, claiming those promises as our own!

This can be done at any age, and should be done over and over again.  We could all benefit from the learning and discussions. It is also really important for our young people to see that older folks still have questions and things they wonder about and that we can learn all of our lives.  It is also so important that we build relationships across the generations so we can stay connected in Christian community. 

We will meet two Sundays a month from 6:30-8pm. This is meant to be a two year journey.   The schedule for the whole year is included below so you can put it on your calendars!  It is important that we have consistent attendance for the sake of good discussion and relationships but it is totally understandable that folks won’t be able to make it to every session.  Please ask Pastor Angel if you have any questions! Mark your calendars:

Sept. 12th, 26th; Oct. 10th, 24th; Nov. 7th, 21st; Dec. 5th, 19th Time off for Christmas

Jan. 16th, 30th; Feb. 13th, 27th; March 13th, 27th Time off for Holy Week

April 24th; May 8th, 22nd

St. Jacob's is a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America. Visit the ELCA Website.

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