Members in Action

The cross behind the alter at St. Jacobs.

St. Jacob’s Lutheran Church strives to minister to our members, our local community, and the world! We offer many programs and opportunities to be involved in ministry. Our members serve as worship assistants, host book clubs, partner with community outreach programs, and participate in local and international mission trips.

If you have any questions, please contact the church office at 330-877-2676 or by email here.

Community Office Space Offered by St. Jacob's

As Covid continues to wreak havoc on life, especially for working families juggling work from home and caring for kids, St. Jacob’s will offer rooms in the Education Wing as office space  to congregation members and the community. A logical outgrowth of the ministry of space taking place in our commercial kitchen where we offer space to Meals on Wheels and Meals by Marissa., now rooms in the Education Wing will be used to minister to our community, as well.

Sometimes quiet space is needed for a Zoom meeting or client call or just to concentrate on a task, and as we all know, quiet space is difficult to come by with kids and other adults and even pets all at home together.  At St. Jacob’s we  are so blessed to have an excess of quiet space during the week, and so in an effort to support those working from home, we invite interested people to contact the office to schedule a tour of our rooms. All rooms are relatively private and include a table, chair, Wi-Fi connectivity, and often even a window. Restrooms are conveniently located, and cell phone service is great! Reserve the room for a few hours, a few days or even for weeks at a time.  Rooms for small teams are also available. Fees to cover utilities will be determined on an individual basis as the program gets started. A covenant agreement is required for the benefit of all involved. 

Just in its infancy, this program will need tweaked as it develops but St. Jacob’s is committed to expanding our ministry of space. Please share this information with friends and family. Covid is not leaving anytime soon and workspace will continue to be flexible into the future, so please encourage people to check out our community office space!

St. Jacob's is a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America. Visit the ELCA Website.

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